Thursday, March 31, 2011

Welcome to New-Age athlete, where limits don't exist!

New-Age Athlete is a company that has a tool and vision to share with the world that can inspire and motivate people to be whatever it is they would like to be in life.  It sends a message to athletes specifically in the sports industry to be the best they can be.  "Limits don't exist" is New-Age Athlete's slogan and inspires athletes around the world and people in general or the public audience. The message is simple, the only limits that exist for any individual are the limits they give themselves.  If you get rid of the limitations that are mostly mental and not physical for the majority of people than you can reach any goal you want in life.  New-Age Athlete is branding this on clothing apparel and continues to set goals for the company that will motivate and inspire.

     People have argued and debated over this slogan and have said...."There are limits to what we can do."  If this is so, than why is it we see world records being broken in the 100 meter dash consistently year after year at the Olympics by men like Usain Bolt running the 100 meter dash in 9.58 seconds?  Why is it that people with autism are thought to be mentally challenged but have capabilities to solve complex math problems? Why is it that we see handicapped people with one or no legs, running with the best sprinters in the world? Why is it we see deadlift records being set of 1100 pounds?  Click on the links below and take a look for yourself that "Limits Don't Exist!"   

See Usain Bolt 100 Meter Dash at 9.58 seconds.  (World Record)  

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